The truth is computer science was in my life from the very beginning. My father was also a computer engineer which made me meet with computers at a very early age. Whenever I get my hands on a new book, especially about computer science, I still get excited like the little me in this old photograph.
Fast forwarding, when I started to prepare for the University Entrance Exam in my country, at first I had only one idea in my mind. I knew that I wanted to study in the same university with my father but still had a lot of questions in mind. At that time, I figured out my love for Calculus and started to study on a book named Calculus 8E: A Complete Course by Robert A. Adams which belongs to my brother who is also a Computer Engineering graduate. Being surrounded by so many computer engineers with my love of mathematics added, I decided to study Computer Engineering.
But kids, that is not how I met Computer Engineering.
At the time I prepared my preference list to enter a university, we had a teacher in my school who helped everyone about their choices and how to choose a department related to their interests by considering the grade they got from the exam. He (also convincing my family) told everyone that: “There is no future in Computer Engineering/Science. Anyone taking online courses or even learning by himself/herself can do the things that a Computer Engineer is able to do.”
Well, mister, I’m sorry to say this but life is not that easy as you think it is.
Having the fact that my brother and father are two successful Computer Engineering graduates behind me, I have filled out the preference list alone with lots of Computer Engineering departments from different universities. I knew that I did not have any coding experience or such things related to the field but I knew one thing that there was no other program that would make me happier.
As I learned the University Placement Results, I noticed that no one from my school other than me was placed in a Computer Engineering department or any related field like Software Engineering etc. which was mostly because of the stereotypes that teacher pushed towards other students.
I never could have been much happier for not listening to other people’s opinions.
That was the story of how I met Computer Engineering as just a little introduction since my passion related to this field goes far beyond that.
Fast forwarding a little bit more, after four years had passed since the University Entrance Exam, I have heard that one of my friends which I had been together in that school realized that he made the biggest mistake not choosing the department of Computer Engineering even if he got enough points to get into that department by listening to that teacher.
The lesson that should be taken from here is to never let anyone decide for your future.
Even if you are uncertain about your choices, listen to others’ opinion’s, make same research but never let them decide.
It’s your life, your choices.
Chase your dreams.